who am I? part 2

Who am I?

I’m constantly faced with this never-ending question,

I’m tired. 

I’m tired of second guessing 

I’m tired of feeling incompetent

I’m tired of knowing no other emotion than sadness

Who am I?

Who am I if not a daughter

Who am I if not a sister

Who am I if not a friend 

Who am I without people?

Do I even exist?

Another night of shallow breathes and sobs

Who am I?

Who am I without crippling fear?

Who am I without insecurity?

Who am I without self-hatred?

Do I even exist?

the pillar.

i give and give little bits of me

but eventually there wont be enough


i feel hollow


i give so much of myself to those that I love

but rarely do I get it in return

even if my world is crashing down ill hold theirs up

i am a pillar that holds so many people

but the pillar is weak

the pillar is fragile

the pillar is cracked

but the pillar is still standing

maybe thats an excuse to keep piling up on, the pillar 

maybe they believe the pillar will always remain


i, the pillar, am hollow

i am weak

i am fragile

i am cracked

but I am still standing 

for how long?

to my future children.

to my future children;

you’re beautiful
you’re so beautiful
i will work hard everyday so that you know how beautiful you are
from the moment you entered this earth you were enough
to me, you will always be good enough
to me, your beautiful soul and ethereal spirit is enough
i will work hard everyday so that you never cry yourself to sleep
i want you to know that my love for you has existed way before you were even a thought
i will work hard everyday so that your heart never aches because of me
there will never be a day I don’t think you’re absolutely beautiful

to my beautiful future children;

you’re already enough.


A message to people who do not have depression;

We don’t need you to understand what we’re going through, we just need you to simply acknowledge it.

Acknowledge that there is a struggle
Acknowledge that we do suffer
Acknowledge that we can be happy and have depression

But most of all, acknowledge that our pain is valid.


I believe the thing I struggle with the most on a regular basis is longing. I long to be better, I long to not feel like my world is crashing down on me. Every morning I wake up feeling emptier than I did the previous day.

I’m so numb.

but then i’m not

But then I’m numb again.

I’ve come to realize that my life is a rollercoaster of being numb for long periods of time then feeling everything all at once.


But where does the longing fit in?

After the numbness subsides, the longing attacks.

I long to be happy

I long to value myself

I long to go far away.

My heart yearns to be anywhere but here.

but i’m stuck


explaining my feelings.

How the hell do yo explain the mess that’s happening in your head?? Will people understand? Of course they won’t. If I can’t understand my own feelings, how do I expect others to? I wish being happy wasn’t something I had to strive for, why is happiness not the default? My life is in no way horrible right now but I just can’t seem to be genuinely happy. Yeah I laugh and crack jokes here and there but on the inside I’m completely shattered. I’m in pain most of the time and lord I’m sick of it. I force myself to go out and enjoy things with friends but all I want to do is lay in my bed, and when I tell people that I’m 100% certain they call me lazy behind my back. But again, how do you just tell someone that “hey the reason I couldn’t go last night was because I suffer from this thing called crippling depression”. And the shitty thing is if I do bluntly admit that to someone they’ll still think I’m lazy! Society hates depressed people because they can’t figure us out. Trust me we can’t figure us out either.


I’m at a point where my mental health has not only caused me to develop emotional numbness, but I will have bursts of feelings here and there that are extremely painful. I’m sick of living like this. I want to go to the gym and read books like I used to and enjoy going to lectures again, but the past month I’ve wanted to do nothing but cry and stare at the wall. I’m so broken I want to cry but I literally can’t.

I’m so broken.